
You will play a vital role in the mission of HOPE, Inc. (“HOPE, Inc. will continue to play a major role in ending discrimination by empowering people through education, advocacy and the enforcement of fair housing laws”) and be part of the fair housing movement.

You will receive a one-year subscription to our quarterly, Newsletter “HOPE Forum”. This invaluable resource highlights the latest fair housing updates and information, relocating housing solutions, community trends and fair/equal housing opportunities. Throughout the year, HOPE, Inc. will produce materials such as fair housing, anti-predatory lending, special housing, surveys and other relevant documents.

You can obtain call-in advice from HOPE, Inc.’s Help Line. HOPE, Inc. will answer your questions on fair housing legislation, rules or regulations, or general information about fair and assisted housing matters. You will receive up-to-date local and national information on fair housing.
You will have access to programs that can enhance your organization such as workshops, trainings, education and outreach: Fair Housing/Fair Lending, and relocation assistance.

You will learn how to apply the fair housing laws to live where you choose, build wealth and promote economic justice.

You will be eligible to obtain technical assistance and training to augment your group’s fair housing responsibilities and initiatives. You will be eligible to vote for our board of directors, and to take a leadership role.

You will have an opportunity to network with fair housing advocates, housing developers, bankers, legislators, regulators, academics and others, to: build new partnerships; collaborate on new strategies to expand housing opportunities; build more inclusive communities.

The staff and Board of Directors of Housing Opportunities Project for Excellence, Inc. (HOPE, Inc.) faces a difficult challenge and needs your help in eliminating illegal housing discrimination. Although the federal Fair Housing Act has been on the books since 1968, discrimination still exists at an alarming rate. Illegal discrimination in the sale, rental, financing, insuring and advertising of housing continues and is more subtle and sophisticated than ever. Unfortunately, South Florida communities rank high among the offenders.

With the support of our members, HOPE, Inc. has been able to promote fair housing through workshops for the general public and training for housing industry providers; take housing complaints from the public and enforce the fair housing laws through investigation of meritorious cases and the assistance of filing lawsuits on the clients’ behalf. With our members backing, we can continue to help hundreds of people.

Show your commitment to equal housing in South Florida by making your tax-deductible donation to HOPE, Inc.! Simply click here to donate online:

or mail your donation to:

HOPE, Inc.
11501 NW 2nd Avenue
Miami, FL 33168

Thank you!