Miami-Dade Fair Housing Month celebration – Friday, April 19, 2024!
Please join HOPE, Inc. for the 2024 Miami-Dade County Fair Housing Month Celebration: Rising to Meet the Challenges
Friday, April 19, 2024 at the DoubleTree Biscayne Bay (1717 N. Bayshore Dr., Miami, FL 33132)
9:00am – 12:00pm: FREE Workshop
Housing Justice in Miami
Camilo Mejia, Director of Policy & Advocacy, Catalyst Miami
Community Reinvestment in South Florida
Cornell Crews, Jr., Executive Director, Community Reinvestment Alliance of South Florida
Dismantling Inequity in the Housing Appraisal Industry
Dr. Junia Howell, Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago
12:00pm – 2:00pm: Luncheon
Keynote – Dylcia Cornelious, Real Estate Agent
Mrs. Cornelious has more than 25 years of experience as a broker associate and was involved in a 2010 federal racial discrimination lawsuit surrounding the sale of a $1.8 million home in Chicago. Mrs. Cornelious was the agent of the buyers (the victims of the discrimination), and the case garnered national media coverage, reported on ABC, NBC, CBS, and other outlets. She travels to tell the behind-the-scenes details of the case, including the actions of the sellers and their real estate agent.
You’re welcome to attend the workshop, the luncheon, or both!
The workshop is FREE. The luncheon is $45 per person/$425 per table. Please make checks payable to HOPE, Inc. FEIN: 65-0108794.
Please RSVP for the workshop, the luncheon, or both by April 12, 2024 to Ms. Yesmin Turner at or (305) 651-4673.
Thank you!